• NPPF Paragraph 84e Explained NPPF Paragraph 84e Explained

    NPPF Paragraph 84e Explained

    March 2024

    Many people, perhaps you, would love to build yourself a new house in the country where you could live with your family and work from home in rural tranquility. It is perhaps the English dream. The problem is getting planning permission. But don’t despair, NPPF paragraph 84e is the planning legislation which is specifically written to allow this to happen. The clause states that the new house has to be an ‘exceptional’ work of architecture and so it is not easy to get planning permission… but not impossible. In this video architect Francis Terry and planning specialist Martin Leay discuss how this can be done in practical terms using examples of their many past successes of ‘paragraph 84e’ houses.

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  • What is Sustainable Architecture With Joey and Francis Terry What is Sustainable Architecture With Joey and Francis Terry

    What is Sustainable Architecture With Joey and Francis Terry

    May 2023

    In this video Francis Terry discusses with his son Joey what ways architects can address these pressing issues, and how traditional construction methods and materials can contribute to the debate.

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  • What Do You Need for a Career in Architecture

    27 July 2021

    An informal discussion between Francis Terry and his daughter Claudia about what is needed for a carrer in architecture.

  • The Traditional Architecture Group Discusses Ornament

    12 August 2020

    This is a zoom discussion about Ornament organised by the Traditional Architecture Group (TAG). The event was hosted by Francis Terry (the chairman of TAG) with guest speakers Svante Helmbaek Tirén, a renowned architecture theorist and Sandy Stoddart the great Scottish Neo-Classical sculptor. The discussion covers many aspects of ornament in architecture with valuable contributions from Robert Adam, Hugh Petter and George Saumarez Smith.

  • Palladio, Classical and Gothic Architecture

    29 March 2020

    An interview about architecture with Francis Terry by his son Alfred. The conversation meanders around from Palladio, to classical architecture, then on to gothic, ending with the philosophical question of what beauty is.

  • Discussion About Beauty and Architecture

    3 April 2021

    An informal discussion between Francis Terry and his son Alfred about beauty and architecture.

  • Proportion and Inspiration in Music and Architecture

    10 January 2021

    Francis Terry and his son Alfred talk about proportion and inspiration in music and architecture.

  • Francis Terry and Jeremy Musson Discuss Stowe House and Its Landscape Garden

    11 July 2020

    A discussion between architect Francis Terry and architecture historian Jeremy Musson about Stowe House and its seminal landscape gardens. Stowe has a special place in both their hearts as Francis was at school there and Jeremy was a trustee of the Stowe House Preservation Trust.

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